Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Digital Publishing and Digital Editions With Pageturnpro

Digital Publishing Solutions were created to enable publishers to meet their audiences online. Whether it is for newspapers, magazines, tabloids, catalogues, newsletters, marketing materials or some other type of publication, digital publishing solutions can do it all.

So how do you pick among digital publishing solutions?
There are many ways to evaluate different vendors but there are three distinct categories you should always consider.

First, which digital publishing solutions are easy to use? As you try them, are they intuitive or do you need a degree in applied mathematics to figure them out? Are there help screens or live support when you call or do you fall into a black hole?

Second, consider features. Some digital publishing solutions offer no features other than a simple page turning effect. Do you want to create links to sections of your digital edition or would you like to link from your digital edition to other URLs? Would you like to add video or animated ads inside or around your digital edition? Would you like to embed your digital edition or mask the URL? Is security important or is it OK if the whole world has access to your publication? There are just some of the feature-related questions you may want to ask a prospective vendor.

Digital Publishing, Digital Catalog, Digital Magazine, Flash Magazine

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Page Turning Software: How to decide which one to use

If you publish a print magazine or journal then you are either already using or thinking about using a page turning software for digitizing your publication. And sure enough there are plenty of software and services available to help you convert your print media into digital page turning software. You will most likely try 2-3 different providers and soon realize that deciding which one to use is a rather complex decision. One that needs to be made carefully with a full set of considerations that incorporate your current and future needs. Here are several key questions or criteria that you will find helpful to work through your decision process.

Page turning software

  1. Should you install page turning software on your network or subscribe to a hosted service?
  2. What are the most important aspects of the page turning software from a web viewer's perspective?
  3. What are the key admin features that one can expect from a page turning software?
  4. What features or capabilities should be considered premium or value added?
  5. If more than one provider satisfies my criteria - does it matter which company I select as my choice provider?

Digital Publication




Flash Magazine


PDF to Flash Magazine

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Flash Magazine, Digital Magazine User Behavior

Great user experience – With realistic page flip animation and fast loading of the next and previous pages, you really have to see to believe the user friendliness of a Flash magazine. Moreover, the zoom-in/zoom-out capability means that you can get to any fine print on the magazine without a magnifying glass. The print and download feature give even greater flexibility to the users who might want to carry just that one article for the train ride or keep the entire magazine on their hard drive for reference. No wonder most of the users view 10-30 pages per visit when it comes to Flash magazines.

Flash Magazine

2. Post production updates – It happens. The magazine went into print and one of the advertisers wants to change the ad creative, or there is a type you really wish you could fix. With the digital magazine you can do just that any time and any number of times.

3. Multi-media capabilities - Embedding video and flash media in a digital magazine is a breeze. For example, in PageTurnPro.com you can even stream YouTube video by just adding the code snippet during the upload and set up process.
4. Ability to define and embed links - This is probably the most significant advantages of a digital magazine over its print counterpart. Advertisements can be linked back to their sites or landing pages. A digital magazine gets even more compelling. URLs and embedded links in PDFs are automatically converted to links in the digital edition.
5. Reporting & tracking – You ready for this? PageTurnPro allows you to add your Google analytics code during the conversion process. Every page view gets counted into your site traffic. You can use your Google analytics account for reliable and independent verification for the ad impressions and user activity of a digital magazine.

Post production updates – It happens. The magazine went into print and one of the advertisers wants to change the ad creative, or there is a type you really wish you could fix. With the Flash magazine you can do just that any time and any number of times.

Multi-media capabilities - Embedding video and flash media in a Flash magazine is a breeze. For example, in PageTurnPro.com you can even stream YouTube video by just adding the code snippet during the upload and set up process.

Ability to define and embed links - This is probably the most significant advantages of a digital magazine over its print counterpart. Advertisements can be linked back to their sites or landing pages. A digital magazine gets even more compelling. URLs and embedded links in PDFs are automatically converted to links in the digital edition.

Digital Magazine

Reporting & tracking – You ready for this? PageTurnPro allows you to add your Google analytics code during the conversion process. Every page view gets counted into your site traffic. You can use your Google analytics account for reliable and independent verification for the ad impressions and user activity of a digital magazine.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Digital Magazine Software with Page Turn Pro

If you are thinking about making  Digital Magazine out of your publication or catalog, then think no more. Do it. The benefits far outweigh the hurdles for almost every situation. There are economic and feature-rich options such as PageTurnPro.com that will let you upload the PDF of your print magazine and convert it to a flash-based digital magazine in minutes, literally. Try it.

Your digital magazine will look and feel just like your print edition but with several bonus features not the least of which are a unique web address accessible by any one online and search-ability. Yes. Platforms like the PageTurnPro.com service will not only convert the PDF for online readers, it will also allow the readers to search for any keyword in the digital magazine content. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flash Magazines - With Page Turning Software

Flash magazines are still the best option for creating digital publications from print versions. The reasons are simple. Flash platform is stable, there is a huge development community constantly churning out components and continuously improving the usability and the already-phenomenal functionality of a flash magazine. Flash has over 95% penetration across the major browsers; you don’t need any new hardware such as a Kindle to view the digital versions, and finally the enormous flexibility to incorporate video, ecommerce, IAB compliant ads and countless other flash-based components. The last hurdle for flash magazines or flash-based digital editions with Page Turning Software to become the de facto standard is for Adobe to achieve high levels of penetration with its mobile friendly version of Flash. For starters, just the major devices such as the iPhone and Blackberry, would do.

Flash magazines of flash-based digital editions have some intrinsic advantages from a user perspective as well. The quality of graphics and realistic animation, which have become the standard in rich media ads, do a fantastic job of maintaining the look and feel of a print magazine. Moreover, the flash magazine often caches the immediate next or previous pages which means that the user does not have to wait for the next page to load when they turn forward or backward. Just think of a flash magazine as a perfect blend of all things good in a print magazine i.e., quality, graphics, and web based content i.e., web based access, cross linking for usability, and social media functionality.

The world of media and information will instantly become richer and a lot more exciting as soon as Kindle and other hardware incorporate Flash Magazines into delivery capability.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Page Turning Software Track User Behavior

If you circulate a publication then you want to know what your readers think and how they interact with your printed Digital publication. Unfortunately, print surveys for these publications are costly, time consuming and very rarely are they a 100% sampling of your audience. With a Flipbook version of your print publication, you will always have the answer for key demographic and behavioral questions about your readers such as:
• How many readers actually read your Flipbook at any point in time?
• How long did they spend between the covers of your Flipbook?
• What held their interest the longest?
• What caused them to follow through on a call-to-action within your Flipbook?
• Where did they go after they were finished with your Flipbook?
• How many passed your Flipbook along to friends or colleagues?

And if you have advertisers within the pages of your Flipbook, this allows them to see information about their campaign in real time just as they would via a Web site.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Page Turning Software Provide an Interactive Experience

A Digital Flipbook can display rich media like video and animation around and within your content which draws your readers further into the page. Where a hardcopy of your publication can only offer static copy and imagery, a Flipbook raises the bar and provides your readers with a whole new experience they can’t receive from print. It’s interactive. Your readers can immediately respond to things they see (and hear) within the digital pages of your Flipbook. Additionally, readers can search the content of your Flipbook easier and faster within a single publication or across an archive of your digital Flipbooks. Page Turning Software

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Advantages of Converting a Print Publication into a Digital Flipbook

Interested readers are spending more time each day online. If your publication is not in a Flipbook format, you are missing out on the increased exposure and expanded circulation potential of your content to those readers. Print, postage and other distribution costs are on the rise. 

You can dramatically change the economics of a publication by converting it to a Flipbook either in addition to or as extension of your print publication. And while you can decrease your print and distribution costs significantly, a Flipbook can provide some exciting new ways for your readers to view your content and in turn give your advertisers increased value. Let’s look at a few ways in which this is possible…

Page Turning Software

Friday, March 20, 2009

Digital Publishing With PDF to Flash Software

Digital publication (digital edition) defined

Think of a digital publication, also known as a digital edition, as an online version of your print publication with a web address or URL, complete resemblance to the print version and a realistic page flipping effect. Add features such as search, print, share, PDF download, and ad serving, viewer tracking & reporting and you have a value added digital version of your print publication.

Print publications have character

Digital Publications/Digital Editions may be the future but the print magazines have a certain endearing quality about them. A print magazine is finite, i.e., you can read it “cover to cover”. The vibrant colors are, in most cases, better than the screen resolution of a laptop or a PC monitor. In fact there is an entire set of reader behaviors such as tearing out articles, dog-ears to mark pages, flipping the pages to scan the pictures and headlines etc. that continue to define the strong if dwindling relationship between the print publication and its readers. Flipping pages, for example, can be much quicker than going to multiple web pages on a site, not to mention that can read a print publication anywhere.

Compelling advantages of the digital publication/digital edition

On the other hand, the advantages of digital publications/digital editions are also well understood. Let’s begin with the fact that readers are spending an increasing number daily hours online with or without having access to the digital version of your publication. Digital publications/digital editions are inexpensive and can be distributed at the speed of the Internet. The potential print and postage savings can change the entire economics of a publication. If it’s available online then a link or even a preview with table of contents can be emailed within minutes, and the readers are just a click away from your digital publication/digital edition. Add to that a slew of benefits that were unthinkable prior to the availability to digital publications/digital editions:
  • Embedding video and interstitial ads
  • Tracking the number of readers – unique and repeat
  • Growing your online ad inventory by serving IAB standard ads within and outside the digital publication pages
  • Capturing user view and interaction data such as page views, clicks – unique and repeat visitors
  • The ability to instantly share the magazine with friends or colleagues
  • Reader interactivity such as ratings, sharing, and comments
  • Administrative features such as login requirement, preview of selected content, data capture, instant polls; and
  • Enabling ecommerce

The phenomenally low cost and high value of publishing a digital magazine makes it a clear direction for all print publishers and in some cases it may even replace the need for certain print publications/digital editions.

So how can you create a digital version of your print publication?

This is probably the simplest part. In fact, creating a trial version of your print publication/digital edition to actually see and test the features and benefits of having a digital publication/digital edition should be a part of your decision making process. All you need is a PDF of your print publication. You can set up a free trial account (no obligations) at PageTurnPro (www.pageturnpro.com). Once you have an account all it takes is to follow 3 easy steps: Upload the PDF; Configure your digital publication i.e., provide a short description and select features you would like to enable; Click CONVERT. It takes just minutes and you will have a URL for your digital publication which you can forward to your friends, colleagues or just embed in your emails or website. It is that simple.